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Face To Face Cream

FACE TO FACE is the Ayurvedic way to clean, fresh, glowing skin. FACE TO FACE can be used to clear Pimples, Pimple Marks, Blackheads, Bindi Rash, Dry Skin, Dark circles under the eyes, Discolouration of skin and sunburn. There are many skin problems, but the most frequent ones are acne, rough and dry skin, white patches-hyperpigmentation and hypo pigmented disorders - vitiligo or leucoderma. It is an effective treatment for acne of all types. It is also a very good treatment for sunburn and photoageing.FACE TO FACE is effective against skin streptococci and changes rough, scaly discoloured skin (due to poor quality sticker bindis and sindoor), to normal colour, widely used in inflammatory skin diseases.

FACE TO FACE is effective for treatment of rough and dry skin conditions and also scaling of the skin. The treatment is symptomatic; massaged well, after a bath, it renders the skin more pliable and makes the skin soft and glowing.


1. Wash your face with lukewarm water and mild soap. Gently pat dry with a soft towel.
2. Apply dots of Face to Face and spread it evenly.
3. Apply a little extra on affected parts, pimples discoloured skin or rough skin.
4. For best results, use Face to Face regularly. Atleast twice a day and at bedtime.


What happened to my soft, clear childhood complexion?
The most painful part of growing up is that it shows on your skin. Constant exposure to the sun and polluted environment results in sunburn, rough and dry skin.

What causes pimples and blackheads?
Blackheads and pimples are caused by hormonal changes that occur when a girl becomes a woman, and a boybecomes a man. Excessive oil produced by the sebaceous (oil) glands block skin pores and cause pimples and blackheads. Emotional stress and abnormal activity of bacteria can also result in pimples and acne.

There are so many creams in the market and my skin is so sensitive, what should i do?
Your skin is sensitive, so experimenting with different products may result in making things worse. Ayurvedic Face to Face is a gentle medication for all your skin problems pimples, acne black spots, dark circles under the eyes, white patches and sunburn.

My skin is oily in parts and I have pimples, but otherwise my skin feels dry. Should I use two different products?
Not at all. Face to Face is an ayurvedic medication that treats both pimples and dry skin. Its 9 natural ingredients penetrate deep to heal & clear pimples, acne, blackheads, pimples scars, blemished skin, rough and dry patches and sunburn.

What should I do to treat dry skin?
Dry weather condition in summer and winter, causes your skin to lose water constantly. That is why your skin becomes dry. Constant exposure to the sun and pollution also saps your skin of water and makes it dry and rough. Ayurvedic Face to Face is specially formulated to take care of the problem. You can feel the difference even as you apply it for the first time.

Can FACE to FACE held the discoluration / white patches on my face?
Face to Face is an effective treatment for the problem of discolouration / white patches. Poor quality adhesive sticker bindi’s, sindoor and kumkum can cause allergies and discoloration of the skin, resulting in white patches on the forehead.

My skin Is normal. Can I use FACE to FACE?
Sure. Face to Face gives normal skin a beautiful glow and keeps roughness away.

How often should I use FACE to FACE?
Regularly, atleast twice a day and at bedtime. You will notice the difference within 15 day. Your skin will feel softer, more supple and glow with health.

How should I apply Face to Face ?
1. Wash your face with luke warm water and mild soap. Gently pat dry with a soft towel. 2. Apply dots of Face to Face and spread it evenly. 3. Apply a little extra on affected parts - Pimples, discoloured skin or rough skin. 4. For best results, use Face to Face regularly atleast twice a day and at bed time.

What should I do to prevent blackheads & pimples and keep my skin soft and glowing with health?
To keep your skin beautiful here are a few simple do’s & don’ts:
1. Do not expose your skin to the harsh sun frequently.
2. Avoid excessive intake of stimulants like tea and coffee.
3. Try and avoid emotional stress or anxiety.
4. Avoid drugs which can cause pimples or blackheads.
5. Avoid use of heavy make up. This can worsen pimples, blackheads or irritate the pimples you may have already.
6. Avoid oil based make up as it can block your skin pores.
7. Avoid use of heavy moisturizers.
8. Avoid the use of spurious sticker bindis & sindoor powder whIch can cause discolouration on the forehead.
9. Never squeeze or prick pimples or blackheads.
10. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
11. Exercise regularly and get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night.
12. Keep your skin clean and apply Ayurvedic Face to Face Cream regularly.

Note: Regular Exercise, Proper Sleep, a balanced Diet rich In fiber like Vegetables & lots of Water will provide much needed relief when combined with the application of Face to Face.


Available in 25 gms


Bakuchi, Daru Haridra, Haridra, Durva, Musta, Yasti, Badam Taila, Tulsi as Taila Kumari, Sangha Bhasma
Preservatives: BHA / BHT / MP/PP/MPS/PPS

All the above herbs are known for their highly efficacy in the treatment of skin disorders for a long time. Face to Face is 100% herbal and ayurvedic and poses no side effects.

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ADDRESS : No.50, Cross Road, Tondiarpet
Tondiarpet, Chennai-600081 (Tamil Nadu)

Contact : D. Parathsarathy, T. Durairajan

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T. Durairajan

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